Thursday, May 28, 2009


I only got 6 hours of sleep though I meant to go to sleep early. I woke up at 9, so I could get ready to meet with Dr. Gunnell. I managed not to get too lost, though the campus is pretty large, and the signs outside the buildings were oddly placed. Dr. Gunnell was really nice and helpful. I listened to the recording afterward, and I sound so stupid...then I went back to the flat for a bit, then I went to Núðluhúsið. I got spicy chicken noodles, the portion size was big, it was cheap (for Iceland) and it was actually spicy! That was really exciting. Then I headed back to the University of Iceland campus to visit the National Museum, which is free on Wednesdays. It was pretty cool, but it was a very small museum. There were some cute tourist guys though. One laughed at my trying on a Viking armor outfit. I bought some stuff in the gift shop. On the way back to the flat, I saw these trailers that were part of this art exhibition. There was a mermaid with big boobs at the top of each trailer. I think the first trailer was a person in a womb, and the last one was a dead person? And in between there was one trailer completely plastered with pictures of people living life, and one was full of couples at weddings. And there was one with tiles of things that Kindergarteners would bring them in case of a fire. It was interesting. For dinner, I got a "pork boat" from Hlolla something. It had pork, red cabbage, pickles, and fried onions. The pork was really thinly sliced and was crunchy like bacon. I washed some alfalfa and put some of that in there. I also ate some carrots. Talked to Oliver in Europe. ahaha.

I was exhausted and didn't do too much after that.

It was EXTREMELY windy today. Ate ham (it was sour-ish, but wasn't due to expire until today, so I ate it anyway), carrots, and tomatoes for lunch. I went to speak with another professor and got pretty lost in the building. A bunch of the buildings are connected, which is convenient in the winter, I suppose. The office and academic buildings at the universities are really nice, and the doors all open automatically. It was drizzly when I left, so I went back to the flat. I drank a whole carton of blueberry yogurt, and Skyped with Eliz. So envious at how fresh and cheap their food is. ahaha. Then I meant to go to the library and Icelandic Fish and Chips. On the way, it started raining really hard. I had my umbrella with me, but it was then I realized the futility of an umbrella. The wind was so big that all the rain was coming at me sideways, so I got soaked. I stopped at City Hall for a bit to dry off, and of course the rain stopped pretty promptly after I went inside.

And now I'm slacking. ahaha.

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