Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Meant to wake up early, but that so didn't happen. Didn't really wake up until around 3 PM or so. Forced myself to leave and go to the bank. Totally didn't know how Icelandic banks worked, and the place was packed. There was free, fresh coffee for people waiting. I stood there awkwardly for a bit and approached the lady at the counter, who didn't speak English and pointed to some place behind me. I watched someone else get a number from a machine like at the Social Security offices, so I followed what they did. I cashed my traveler's cheques. Went to Bonus and bought a lot of vegetables, about $30 of groceries. I made myself a salad with lettuce, tomatoes, corn, avocado, ham, pepperoni, and Caesar dressing. I Skyped with a couple of people. I called Dr. Gunnell after 9....so freaking nervewracking! Argh. I meant to go to sleep early, but didn't go to sleep until about 4AM. Sigh.

I woke up around 1:20-ish, but was completely useless as I was tired, so I didn't really do anything until I left around 4. I went to find the School of Icelandic, which was pretty far away. I kind of semi-lost on this way, and this really nice woman asked if I needed help as I was struggling with my huge map. She was heading in the same direction with her son (about 7?), so she walked with me for a bit. Random acts of kindness make me really happy. ahaha. I finally got to the building, and literally could not figure out where the School of Icelandic was because all the signs were in Icelandic. I headed back and took a bit of a detour out by the harbor, and the sea and the mountains were so gorgeous. Almost got ran over a couple of times. Finally found that burger restaurant I wanted to try out, which is right by the Sea Baron. It was pretty good, but I don't know if it was worth $9...the little place was pretty packed though. When I was ordering, I was like, "I don't speak Icelandic." As if that weren't painfully obvious. ahaha.

I really need to get onto Icelandic time because I can't continue to have this weird sleeping pattern. And I'm meeting with Dr. Gunnell tomorrow, and I have no idea what I'm saying. Ahh.

I really want a chai tea frappuccino right now...

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