Friday, June 5, 2009

Struggled to wake up and to go to class at 9. During our coffee break, I talked to Jovita from Spain, and she was really excited talking about Spain, which made me excited about studying abroad. After class, I was walking back to the flat, and this kid says "ching chong" to me and giggled with his friends. I was SO FREAKING INFURIATED. I wanted to yell at him, but I decided it wasn't worth it staying angry at people like that. So I went grocery shopping at Bonus. I only meant to grab some orange juice and ramen but ended up buying a crapload. I had a spinach salad and chicken nuggets and chicken cordon bleu for lunch. There's this REALLY good Icelandic feta (?) cheese. So freaking goooood. Can't remember what I did in the afternoon...probably wandered around because it was a really nice day.

I walked over to the Reykjavik City Library. Ate dinner really fast. Then I went on a Haunted Walk Tour. It was pretty cool because the guide talked about people who were supposedly haunting certain places, told their stories, then went to the Old Cemetary, where we looked at their gravestones.

Slept in and woke up around 1. Ate lunch-chicken nuggets, hot dog, broccoli and cheese. Rushed over to the bank to pay for the Icelandic course and cash in some of my traveler's checks. The exchange rate was pretty bad though. Got the cute banker dude this time..thought it was hella awkward. ahaha. Then I went over to the National and University Library and finally found the folklore section. There were sooo many books, I was kind of overwhelmed. Volumes of Icelandic folklore, but mostly in Icelandic. BAH. Then I went to the City Library and read some. Went to the 10.11 because I had a HUGE sugar craving. Meant to get just a small cake or something, but ended up buying like $15 of sugar and carbs. Crap.

Now I'm watching the Sex and City movie. ahaha.

But I'm hopefully travelling some tomorrow and Sunday. So yea!

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